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Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Accident victims may have physical injuries following an incident, whether minor or more serious ones. These physical injuries will need medical attention to heal.

A demand letter in a personal injury case serves to notify a business or property owner, and their insurance company, of a victim’s injuries and damages claimed following an accident. It starts the process of negotiating toward settlement of the victim’s claim, including compensation for the medical treatment costs as well as for lost property […]

Because of their size, weight, and handling, trucks can create some unique car accident situations. Here’s advice on what to do if you or a loved one is in an accident involving a truck, from a car accident attorney.

At the Law Office of Samuel I. Kane, P.A., our personal injury attorneys in Las Cruces, New Mexico understand how confusing filing a legal claim against a negligent driver, trucking company, or property owner is — especially when you are severely injured. Making sense of who is liable for your injuries is complex, and the word

At the Law Office of Samuel I. Kane, P.A., our personal injury attorneys in Las Cruces provide individuals and families with the legal representation they need to hold negligent drivers liable for the damages they have caused. We understand that most people are not interested in “suing” someone. We also know it is common to call

As technology continues to evolve, our vehicles are becoming increasingly intelligent each year. Cars, trucks, and SUVs are designed with safety as a priority, including alerts for nearby vehicles, lane assistance and guidance, and backup cameras that are helping drivers avoid accidents throughout New Mexico. Unfortunately, as our personal injury attorneys in Las Cruces know all