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Personal Injury

Truck Accident

Having to wait is the worst. If you or a loved one has been injured in a semi-truck accident, waiting on a settlement can feel like it drags on forever. However, knowing why things take the time that they do can help ease the mental burden. As it turns out, there are many reasons why […]

Fifty-five people died in crashes with semis and heavy trucks in New Mexico in 2020. Plus, 767 people were hurt in crashes with large trucks. Many of their families still struggle to pay the bills after losing the head of their household. When a truck driver causes a crash, families of those who died or […]

Cars of all sizes share the road with huge semi-trailer trucks. It is inevitable that they will sometimes collide. The weight of these trucks can make the impact deadly, and their height off the ground makes an underride crash more likely.

Truck accidents are some of the most damaging events that can happen in New Mexico. Lives can change instantly when a truck hits a much smaller vehicle. While we all hope that we never end up in that situation, being the victim of a truck accident can be a serious challenge, and one that not […]

Moving trucks can be up to 26 feet long, eight feet high, and weigh up to 26,000 pounds, making them difficult for the average driver to maneuver. If you happen to be in a nearby vehicle when a moving truck is turning or switching lanes, you could become the victim of a moving truck accident. […]

Getting hit by a truck can be a painful and financially difficult situation. If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident in New Mexico, you may be entitled to compensation, and you should know how long the legal process takes so that you can plan accordingly.