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Las Cruces

Tag: Accident

There’s nothing quite like the freedom of being in an open-air vehicle, which is why millions of people love driving or riding on ATVs (also known as all-terrain vehicles or 4-wheelers). But because of their high center of gravity and lack of safety features like doors or safety cages, passengers are at an extreme risk […]

Every new mode of transportation unfortunately comes with new ways to get hurt. Case in point: Electronic bike accident statistics. According to WebMD, between 2017 and 2022, there were more than 45,000 ER visits due to e-bike injuries. Within that five-year span, e-bike injuries rose by 30 times, along with 43 times more hospitalizations. Doctors […]

Car accidents can leave lasting effects, not just on your body but also on your mind. While many people associate accident-related injuries with broken bones or whiplash, emotional trauma like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a very real and often overlooked consequence. PTSD can develop after a particularly violent or shocking accident, but its signs […]